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Poverty and Homelessness: Stigma and Relief

Boy in Poverty 1891.jpg

The child represents the physical, mental, and emotional toll of living in poverty and being homeless.

The next pages will tell the story of Poverty and Homelessness in the United States of America since the late nineteenth century. There is a Youtube channel which tells the stories of Homeless people and is dedicated to helping the homelesss. The channel is called Invisible People and is a modern representation of poverty and homelessness, which have existed since people discovered wealth. The story begins around the creation of Hull house, which was founded by Jane Addams. The section on Hull house will focus on the creation and evidence of stigma around poverty and homelessness. The story then moves to the Great Depression and the New Deal Programs, specifically the Works Progress Administration and the National Youth Administration. These sections will focus on the purpose of the programs and how the programs dimminished unemployment rates. 

Poverty and Homelessness